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The M.Ed. in Special Education prepares educators to work directly with students who have disabilities and collaborate with families, other professionals, and administrators. The program is designed for students who are already certified teachers or those who have extensive experience with students with disabilities.

The College of Education works with its two campus laboratory schools: Starpoint School for children with learning differences and the KinderFrogs School for children with Down syndrome and other developmental delays. These schools create exceptional opportunities for TCU students pursuing 2024欧洲杯买球怎么买the special education master’s degree.

Program details and course requirements can be found in the TCU Online Catalog. (We are accepting applications for the M.Ed. in Special Education, but are currently not accepting applications for the M.Ed. with Educational Diagnostician 2024欧洲杯预选赛预测2024年欧洲杯赛程Certification.)

2024欧洲杯买球怎么买the special education Interventionist degree focuses on evidence-based practices proven to be effective for K-12 students with disabilities. With this knowledge, students will be able to establish themselves as teacher-leaders in their respective schools and districts. This program also emphasizes applied research and professional writing. Note: This program does not meet the requirements for initial  Special Education teacher certification. Prerequisite: Certification to teach EC-6, Middle or Secondary School, or experience working with diverse populations 欧洲杯2024官网in K-12. Students will complete 9 hours of core research courses and 21 hours of courses designed to increase pedagogical knowledge, skills in managing challenging student behavior, and educational assessment.

The objective of this program is to provide graduate students with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their teaching and research abilities.

Available only to TCU undergraduates, the Accelerated Master’s Option allows outstanding students to combine a Bachelor’s degree with the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in only five years. Students are eligible to apply for admission to the graduate program if they will have completed 90 hours of undergraduate coursework by the end of their junior year.

Learn more about the Accelerated Master's Special Education option.